With our project “ZIG GREEN Actions and Education”, Système-D has been helping to develop sustainable thinking and acting since the spring of 2018, especially with the young residents of Ziguinchor. Locally experienced, everyday difficulties, such as Health care and scarcity of resources, waste problems, deforestation and sea-level rise are discussed in common educational events and actions in public space, and better alternatives are tested. Teachers and students are trained as facilitators for the environment and set up environmental clubs in different schools in Ziguinchor. These clubs will be constantly involved in the theme and will continue to perform actions in schools and in the city.

From 24.-26. August 2018 “greenafrique symposium for environment and education” took place in the Museum am Rothenbaum (MARKK) in Hamburg, download GREENafrique_Programm

From 1.-15. In December 2018, 30 teachers, social workers and students successfully attended the ZIG GREEN training course.

photography by Anja Schäfer

During the training we developed a teaching booklet and a learning booklet for teachers and students.

From March to June 2019, various schools in Ziguinchor organized ZIG GREEN activities with theater sketches, cleanliness campaigns, handicrafts, a trip to Djibelor for a planting campaign and gardening, and a large demonstration by several schools and many children through the whole of Ziguinchor for a better future. #FridayForFuture has arrived in Ziguinchor!


Casamance Système-D (Ziguinchor)

CASEPE –  Coalition des Animateurs Socio-Educatifs pour la Protection des Enfants (Ziguinchor)

École Nature (Oussouye)

In cooperation with:

Université Assane Seck de Ziguinchor

Primary schools in Zig: Amath Barry (Boucotte Sud), Mary Afinco Diatta (Djiringho), Birame Dieye (Kadior), Matar Dième (Kandialang)

Future au Présent (FAP, Kandé, Ziguinchor)

Collège Enseignement Moyen Technique (CEMT, Tilène, Ziguinchor)

Financed by: